BBA helps clients achieve and sustain superior performance by linking tangible actions to a clear corporate vision. Our solutions are tested and proven to streamline the time it takes for you to develop your strategies and actionable plans; identify your key performance metrics; and implement your performance management systems. The Bridge set of solutions provides you the workflows, frameworks and platforms to speed you toward sustainable success.

Bridge Integrated Planning Process

The Bridge Integrated Planning Process (Bridge IPP) is a total framework for implementing an organizations planning and control system. BIPP is a set of work flows and frameworks in which to develop and produce the organizations Strategic Plan, Operational Plan and Results Reporting Mechanisms. BIPP incorporates the three major components: Strategic Planning, Operational Planning and Results Management.LEARN MORE

Bridge Evidence Based Management Model

The Bridge Evidence Based Management Model (Bridge EBM) is a practical framework for the translation of raw data into information and then information into actionable knowledge. It is a tool to help overcome the myriad challenges faced in planning for the ‘golden nuggets’ of knowledge from the fast flowing river of data that submerges day-to-day work.LEARN MORE


The Bridge Financial Planning Model (Bridge FPM) is an integrated framework for developing and implementing either your current year operating financial plan or a multi year strategic financial plan. It utilizes a cross-functional approach to develop the critical data inputs to construct your financial plans.LEARN MORE

Bridge Staffing Model

The Bridge Staffing Model (Bridge SM) is a framework for organizing and assessing staff positions against market rates and employee development paths.LEARN MORE

Bridge Employee Performance System

The Bridge Employee Performance System (Bridge EPS) is a total framework for evaluating and promoting employee performance. LEARN MORE